Looking back at last semester I found I enjoyed working with portraiture, regardless of the endless amount of other artists that produce the same variant of work with the same materials, why shouldn't I pursue something I enjoy.
Saying that even though I enjoy portraiture I want to continue my work along the fan art route and to see where that leads me as well as working with other materials and styles, my aim is to experiment more this semester with ideas about where I could see my work in the future and how I plan to make it a reality, this could include magazines, zines of my own making, prints, drawings, mixed media or online.
I plan to create a zine with the images I have previously created as well as the pieces I am working on at the moment, I will be looking up zines I find in stores and coffee shops as this seems the perfect place to find them on various subjects not just art. I will also be looking at zines that have been made up from artists that I am inspired by online.
I will be making a few prints, photographing them and placing the pieces in various places/rooms/indoors and outdoors just to get a sense of where I feel they would fit in society. I will also be looking at various gallery settings in which my work would be suitable to display to the public, I think looking into this line of artshow I would consider small independant galleries as I think working in the fan art area it would be a select crowd of people who would be interested and a smaller room would be more appealing.